Shop for clothes your wardrobe is missing and matches your style.
Interested in shopping products your wardrobe is missing?
Need help finding clothes that match your style?
Fed up of staring at your wardrobe in the morning wondering what to wear or what goes with what?
Want or need your friend’s help or approval.?
Don’t worry… we have your back.
Persi is your personal wardrobe builder that identifies wardrobe gaps and makes recommendations based on what is missing, in line with your individual style.
Get recommendations to complete or update your look based on items in your wardrobe . Then invite your friends to view, edit +/ comment depending on chosen access.
We are on a mission to power more relevant personalisation within online shopping, based on an individual consumer’s needs and style. Our vision is to make online shopping more personal, more convenient and more fun.
“I have always dreamt of being able to shop specifically for what works with my wardrobe, my needs and my style! It’s like having a stylist in my (digital) pocket!!”
~ Sarah Bryan, Persi ‘Founding Member’